Hi! We have just unlocked the signs token, and I have realized that there are many sign tokens that are related to Dreams that we have already played!
Is this how it is supposed to work? Are we able to still read their sections and gain their benefits if we find them? It seems strange to me that they can be blocked as these dreams are not available anymore.
> There are only a few such Sign tokens. If you took a different route in the Dreams order, you could complete a maximum of 4 Dreams without getting Sign tokens Wisdom card, and 1 of these 4 Dreams remained in the game permanently (as Old Dream).
Very few Sign tokens were about those 3 Dreams that you can't go back to.
Sign tokens in Dreams sometimes allow you to go through Dream more easily and additionally provide a fragment about the character's past.
The sign tokens mechanics work like this - not all of them you can read, notice, etc.
However, if you are VERY keen on it, of course you can preview the scripts from these Sign tokens to find out what is missing from the character story. Just make sure it's FOR SURE Sign token from the missed Dream.