So saving the game feels like such a hard reset .
If u compare on how to save in This War Of Mine then this feels very abrupt and its like u cut the story in pieces . Kinda hard to explain .
We just finished the first dream after the tutorial and we both still had 2 and 3 red distress tokens and allot of cards sealed . No keys left . We know the wraight was still in the deck before the delta phase so it would be harder to defeat him but saving feels like cheating now .
Just reset everything and go for the next gate, reset everything => next gate , ....
Also im playing specialist and i need 4 green progress cards for my first memory , i got 2 now but next game i start with 0 again ?? My wife needs the 5 ethereal and has 4 now , same issue .
The first Slumber cards talk about having X or X progress cards to ...
For now we placed the board in its whole away ,where the kids cant reach it :) , and we will continue tomorrow evening but we cant keep doing this so i wonder why this is the case ?
Coulnd u make something so we could carry over our scars of combat or is this a balancing issue ?
Hello AR,
Is there any update on the template (alternative saving system) you promised ??