Did I miss something? I apologize if so, as I've been slowly going through this over the last 2 days and the manual/script is lacking a lot to clearly define many things and I'm not a big fan of the terminology.
I don't see anything clearly defined in the manual at all for what the "DELTA phase" card is. I had to do some searching online to realize it is the green backed Slumber Tile. Is this anywhere in the manual?
I am supposed to refer to the "Awakening" card at end of s.133. Step 8 says to "Restore 3 items". From where? What 3 items? And to where?
Also... step 9 says "Discard the current Dreamscape". But I just placed down Slumber Map Tiles II-36A?? What was the point of that?
In the Dreams tutorial, players can:
- find Items (then they take them - 3 to Active Item slots and the rest to the Storage)
- or not find Items (then they remain in the box; this 5 starting Item cards is a deck without Secret codes, so they are the first Item Market cards from the very beginning of the game).
In other words - at the beginning of the game we have a small Item Market (5 cards) and a very large Influence Market in the box. However, during the Dream tutorial, players can find all 5 cards from the starting Item Market :)