Did I miss something? I apologize if so, as I've been slowly going through this over the last 2 days and the manual/script is lacking a lot to clearly define many things and I'm not a big fan of the terminology.
I don't see anything clearly defined in the manual at all for what the "DELTA phase" card is. I had to do some searching online to realize it is the green backed Slumber Tile. Is this anywhere in the manual?
I am supposed to refer to the "Awakening" card at end of s.133. Step 8 says to "Restore 3 items". From where? What 3 items? And to where?
Also... step 9 says "Discard the current Dreamscape". But I just placed down Slumber Map Tiles II-36A?? What was the point of that?
In the Dreams tutorial, players can:
- find Items (then they take them - 3 to Active Item slots and the rest to the Storage)
- or not find Items (then they remain in the box; this 5 starting Item cards is a deck without Secret codes, so they are the first Item Market cards from the very beginning of the game).
In other words - at the beginning of the game we have a small Item Market (5 cards) and a very large Influence Market in the box. However, during the Dream tutorial, players can find all 5 cards from the starting Item Market :)
5 starting Item cards (i.e. those Item cards that have no code on the back) are the starting Item Market.
The Item Market is a pool of unacquired Item cards placed facedown in their dedicated slot in the box. Sometimes, the game will let you buy cards from the Item Market (the exact rule will then be given). You should not look at the cards in the Item Market until the game asks you to draw and check some of them.
You may have found them during the tutrial Dream and take it - then the Item Market is temporarily empty.
There may be times in a game when there are no Items in the Item Market. But during the campaign, new Items will be added to the Item Market.
Also, all removed Items (not discarded Items!) go to the Item Market.
As for Restoring Items - this is about drawing your inactive Items (from your Storage) and placing them in Active Item slots:
Restore Item – you may draw 1 random Item from the Storage and place it in one of the active Item slots. If there are no empty slots, you must first discard one of the active Items. If you don’t want to place drawn Item, discard it.
I think you missed the part where the game tells you to gain the items in your storage even if you didn’t find them during the tutorial. please read again carefully the end of tutorial secret text.
The Delta Phase isn't mentioned in the manual (for a reason), but the end of the tutorial does explain to put the green-backed tile on the bottom. I can see the confusion though!
If you have any items in your Storage, you can make three of them active (at random).
Did you just place the starting Slumber tiles? The outcome to the tutorial just says "find them and make the slumber deck". It didn't tell you you to place them in the dreamscape (although in the future, you'll basically always have those two active whrn exploring the dreamworld).