Hi! A question came up while playing the game yesterday, concerning turns. We were 2 players, and It happened while playing a Slumber that one of us wanted to make 2 consecutive Assault actions because the other player didn't have any cards left.
The rules state that every player can only do one interaction with an entity once per turn, and that when all the players Pass their turns consecutively is the turn of the entities. So, lets use an example to illustrate what my question is:
- P1: Assault / Pass
- P2: Assault / Pass
- P1: Assault / Pass
- P2: Pass
- And now, all the players passed consecutively... so, is the turn of the entity? Or Could the P1 still keep on playing? Or, is the assault considered like the end of your turn and you don't even need to pass after you do it?
@AR is there a reason why turn and round are reversed based on normal game rules? i.e. players have turns within a round.
> Nooo, it's only our fault - we decided it was better that way :/
@AR is there a reason why turn and round are reversed based on normal game rules? i.e. players have turns within a round.
Bascially if you performed an action you did not pass, you just end your round. Passing = doing nothing = skip to next player
Thank you all for your comments. Everything is clear now 😁
> This is the easiest way to understand it:
- each Dreamer can perform as many actions in Turn as they want, until they decide that they don't want any more or when they simply run out of Intent to perform these actions;
- however, in order to organize the gameplay a bit in each Turn, we introduced order and limitation so that each player does not play for too long or too short (downtime) at once. We have introduced such an auxiliary rule ONLY to organize the Dreamers Turn: each player can play in their ROUND as long as they want, but when they perform a Dream action (i.e. an action printed on Dreamscape tile, Entity tile, Dreamgate tile or other Secret card related to this Dream ) must now end their round, i.e. allow the next player to play. It is only an auxiliary rule that organizes the game, i.e. how long each player can play and when they must take a break for the next player to play. Importantly, there is no limit to the number of rounds in a Turn - players simply play as long as they want as long as they have an Intent to take actions.
I think you may be mixing up turns with rounds. The rules say you can only do one big action per round, not per turn. Rounds are parts of a turn, here.
From rules pg. 8, "Beginning with the First Player and going clockwise, each Dreamer performs a round. Each Dreamer can perform as many rounds as they wish until everyone runs out of cards or passes in a row.
Each round, you can perform only one Dream action: either one Map action, or one Dream Gate tile action, or one Dream's Secret card action, or one Entitiy tile Interaction.
[...] You may wish to pass your current round and wait for the next round (of the same Turn) to do whatever you wish later."
So, you could do, for instance,
P1: Assault
P2: Pass
P1: Assault
P2: does something
I believe the round structure is present to help reduce downtime, but the rules also mention a more free-form structure if you want.