This card states that, once placed, "if you spend any intent during the current action, draw 1 card and discard it. If the intent color of the drawn card matches, add its intent value to the current action".
Do I always have to draw and discard a card every time I pay intent for an action? The wording seems to imply I don't have a choice!
Can I pay some intent, draw and discard off my draw pile to check whether I get a bonus, and then continue to play cards from my hand to further increase the intent value? Or do I only draw and discard a card as the last step of the action?
Brilliant, thank you both
Do I always have to draw and discard a card every time I pay intent for an action? The wording seems to imply I don't have a choice!
> Exactly as Rikkert says, you may or may not USE this Action.
Can I pay some intent, draw and discard off my draw pile to check whether I get a bonus, and then continue to play cards from my hand to further increase the intent value?
> Yes!
There is only one case that comes last to add an Intent - when you use "Boosting your Intent" with Luck die.
But as Rikkert writes, it's important that in order to use a Stroke of Luck you must first pay any Intent for the action performed.
I play with Gambler and Free spirit and I have this progress card placed too in my Gambler progress area. Since it is a progress card it is optional to use whenever you want to use it.
@1) Its optional (since it is a progress action you choose to use). You need to spent “0 intent” first to activate it; hence its optional (Since you can choose not to spent “0 intent”).
@2) Good question, I would like to know too. I think you can since stroke of luck is a rapid action (lightning symbol), meaning you can play it at any point (in between) / during rounds (See page 13 rulebook). However you do need to stat with spending some basic intent from your hand first before you can use it.