The rulebook implies that shining gems are shared resources. On page 5, regarding the game setup, we are instructed to place all signs, tokens, and markers by the board. Shining Gems seem like a token and as they are never referenced separately for setup, so it is implied they are part of these tokens and markers. The only indication they are not a token is that the component is not named "Shining Gem token" in the rulebook, and it is very hard to catch that distinction. And given that they are treated like "tokens and markers", the description for Storage on page 4 directs us to place the shining gems we gain in storage for all dreamers to share. While some things dreamers gain like Ether and Distress have a spot noted on the Dreamer's boards, there is no information regarding shining gems. So it seems to me they are a shared resource.
But AR has said otherwise on BGG and the playing card rule references distributing the shining gems between the dreamers.
Could you please add a clarification for this to the errata?
---"And given that they are treated like "tokens and markers", the description for Storage on page 4 directs us to place the shining gems we gain in storage for all dreamers to share"----
To be fair, page 4 says "All cards, tokens and markers the team gains during the campaign are placed here"
If an individual dreamer gains a card, token or marker, then you put that in the dreamer's deck or near the dreamer's board.
> Each Dreamer collects its own Shining Gems. They are not shared.
I think gems are not shared .
If u follow Awaken Realms rules on saving the game u always discard the gems on step 3 so there never a part of any setup .
Considering u need to give your own cards to get them u make the choice in getting a gem or save your cards .