I am a bit upset with saving procedure... it feels like a full reset of the game session, apart from influence cards added to each dreamer deck... For example, at the beginning of the campaign, there are 2 Slumbers that are skipped in the Slumber deck (thus ending the Slumber Location resolution) unless the player meets the conditions listed on them. Imagine (I mean, my party went through it), in one game session we open the game, check all components are okay, do tutorial dream, go to dreamworld and decide to pause just before entering the first dream. The specialist of the group, full focused on progress cards and we changed one of the slumber's cards because we met the conditions and we were prepared to... Then, in next game session, we will have lost all active cards (steps 1-3 of awakening, done in saving process), but slumber's deck will be upgraded...
Even more, for gambler or specialist storylines, do the requirements (ether posession or active green progress cards) have to be met in one game session? Since this resources are lost (or spent) when game is saved.
Okey, so then there's is no problem in save all game state as standard adn then from tiem to time just make an awakening. Thank you all, guys