1) In Dream I-04, when you do the "Check the wardrobe" action, you are given 2 options. To choose one of them, you must have card B. But, gaining card B requires you to first choose the other option, which in turn blocks the action from future use. As far as I can see, there is no way to un-block the action, so I believe this is a mistake.
2) At the end of Dream I-13, you gain the "Signs" wisdom card. One of the sign tokens obviously matches the Z tile with the 3 lights on it. But this tile is removed from the game during the dream ( it is a necessary step, in order to complete the level). Even if you replay the dream, in the form of Old Dream, this tile is not used anymore so I believe it is impossible to legally resolve this sign token.
Am I missing something here or are these 2 things impossible to resolve? I played these 2 dreams back to back and I was a little dissapointed to find mistakes in both of them.