[HUGE SPOILER] you've been warned
When finishing dream I-18, you are given a blue key (apparently useless) and you are told to discard all cards from the dream (as there is no "old dream" gate for that).
When going back to dream I-15, upon using the blue key you are told to reveal card D, but this card from this dream is not related to the occuring event. It seems that you are supposed to reveal card I-18 D but it has been removed from the game.
As that card is very important to continue, I am going to assume it is an error, and take that card back from the removed ones.
Am I right to assume that this is an error?
BTW, I am not a huge fan of that extra step of getting that blue key instead of directly getting the I-18 D at the end of the dream, especially as there is no clue (as far as I am aware, I might have missed it) on what to do with it. It seems like an extra step in which you have to randomly roam through the old dreams in order to find the right action.
Other "hidden stuffs" that could block you are clearly stated in the end of the "train station" dream and the "eternal city" one. It feels better that way as, though you don't know what you are looking for or where (and some hints are available in other dreams, which I found great), you know you have to find something there!
Rest of the game is amazing, though! A lot of variety in the dreams.
Thank you for this post. Wish they would have added at least a hint as to where to go. Was getting sick of exploring randomly. Game has been good leading up to this point.
> Yeeah ... :( There's a terrible mistake here.
The script assumes the 6th Silver Key is a D card in this Dream, while we have it (as a D card) in another Dream. What's worse, it has already in the removed game elements.
Currently, all we can do is errata to script 268:
Remove the “Blue Key” Blank token from the game. Gain card D (the 6th Silver Key).
Remove the “Blue Key” Blank token from the game. Find the 6th Silver Key card (I-18 D) in the removed game elements and gain it.
We sincerely apologize for this error. We have over-thought here: /
I completed dream 18 yesterday, and wondered the same thing while I was removing that deck from the game.
While doing that, I peeked at the remaining card and was surprised that it was something important. I figured it would come up again when I use the blue key, so I wasn't too worried about permanently losing it - but I thought the secrets script in dream 15 would tell you to fish it out of the removed-from-the-game pile.
So it was semi-clear to me, but only because I looked at a card I wasn't supposed to in dream 18. This could definitely use some errata.
As for the clue about where to use the blue key, I definitely remember dream 15 asking whether you had a blue key. So I wouldn't say you just have to guess the right dream.
I seem unable to do it with the phone, but on a computer, there is some font modificators available when selecting the text you wrote.
One of them (fourth one, between Underline and schabge size) being the color and proposing some (not black, though). You can then click the "+" button in orser to a color from a palette.
I didnt read it cause im not that far but how did u manage to post in black ?
I cant find where u change the color .