Currently playing the Reaper after Tutorial, Suburbia and Pandemonium dreams.
Our Tough Guy already resolved his First Memories card.
Are you supposed to resolve the Reaper First Memories using the basic actions ?
For example, is it possible to use the Assault action on 2 entities at the same time ?
Or will it be possible a bit later ?
I just want to ensure that I haven't missed anything.
> Assault and Contact actions can be played on different targets within range of such action if we pay correspondingly more Intent.
For example: we have Assault 2 Entities within range, killing each of them would cost us 3 Wrath. We perform Assault for 6 Wrath and thus kill both (the first for 3 Wrath and the second for another 3 Wrath).
Details can be found on page 12 of the manual:
If you pay the cost of an action multiple times, you can choose a different target for each effect.
Example: You perform a Contact action with a cost of 3 Awareness, and decide to pay 9 Awareness. There are 2 Entities in range that can be targeted by the action.
You can decide to target the first entity two times, and the second Entity once.
Thanks for your question!