what does this card’s action do? “Seal 1 card from your hand with (red) intent to gain 4+(green progress icon) of (green). And it is a contact action only, meaning I can use the action only when i do a contact action? thanks
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> Ah, what do these icons mean? You can find this rule on page 13 of the man page:
Some rules refer to THIS_GREEN_ICON / THIS_RED_ICON / THIS_YELLOW_ICON icons – they refer to the number of your active Progress cards of the corresponding color (flipped cards do not count).
So, in case of that particular card:
Seal 1 card from your hand with Intent to gain 4+[Number of Awareness placed Progress cards] of Wrath.
When you use this card
(by Sealing any other cards with Wrath Intent from your hand),
you gain 4 Awareness + [Number of your Awareness placed Progress cards]
of Awareness for Contact action.
If for example you have 3 Awareness Progress cards in your Progress zone, then you gain 4 + 3 Awareness, so you gain 7 Awareness for Contact action.