1) The setup of this dream instructs us to place a Block token on EACH "Open Door" slot, though there is only 1 such slot at the start of the dream. Are we supposed to block all the the door slots, as they appear during the course of the dream?
2) On card H, there is a new action for the dreamers "Open/Close Door" but there is no specified range. Can a dreamer perform the action from anywhere on the board, or only if he is adjacent to the affected door slot?
3) On card H, there is also a special effect that affect all dreamers on a given tile. If a dreamer stands on a overlay card that share spaces with the affected tile, is he affected?
No, in this case place 1 Block token and don’t resolve this instruction again when a new “Open door” appears.
You can perform this action anywhere on the board.
Yes, he is affected by this effect.