It's the last key I need to enter Homecoming, but I have no idea how to get it.
When you complete the scenario by killing the machine, the script gives you a token with Blue Key on it, and then tells you to remove from the game all cards and tiles not already acquired, and the dream gate. This would remove the 6th silver key!
You have no way to come back into this dream because the gate is gone, and seemingly no way to get the key since it's removed from the game.
> Yeeah ... :( There's a terrible mistake here.
The script assumes the 6th Silver Key is a D card in this Dream, while we have it (as a D card) in another Dream. What's worse, it has already in the removed game elements.
Currently, all we can do is errata to script 268:
Remove the “Blue Key” Blank token from the game. Gain card D (the 6th Silver Key).
Remove the “Blue Key” Blank token from the game. Find the 6th Silver Key card (I-18 D) in the removed game elements and gain it.
We sincerely apologize for this error. We have over-thought here: /