SPOILER about the dream
2 photos are impossible to rebuild from that dream (big green one in B4 and big orange one in B3).
Those pictures still have a "when this photo is fully visible" action... >_<
I noted that those effects are literally too good to be true, but still :/
Anyway, it was a fun dream
Yes, such a bait was intentionally inserted - as the main obstacle to overcoming this Dream.
The actions in these photos were overly powerful - encouraging you to get them at all costs.
The captions on these photos could additionally suggest that there is something wrong with the two photos:
- "Sweet lies",
- "It never happened",
unlike others that presented true memories, not sweet lies and unrealized plans, about which the character is willing to deceive themself, e.g .:
- "Sad but true".
That was the intention and the message in this Dream, but it looks like we haven't quite managed to get it right here. It's a pity you didn't like this puzzle.