Wonder if I’m missing something or my combo is “wrong” or I’m just repeatedly unlucky.
Tried this twice. And started a third but quit as it became futile. Solo/Specialist/Wisdom mask has been okay thus far for me So that’s what I’ve been using. My best run was to tame dog as soon as possible but couldn’t do it before a second spawned.
Both times I’ve run out of turns trying to get proper locations to line up. On returning back to metropolis it requires use of short cuts just to leave the dream gate and get to Pandemonium (Watchers). This had made me just walk away from the game I frustration. I like a puzzling challenge but this had made me question continuing and **seems** harsh for my second dream.
Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciate as my joy in this game has started to turn to remorse.
I'm going on attempt 4 or 5 solo with the Specialist and have now figured the only chance I have is to play two Dreamers. Not sure if I'm using the clock right as I drained it in a previous dream and haven't had a reset opportunity come up. I figure with a new Dreamer added I'll set it to the proper time for two Dreamers.
@Rejoinder Thank you. I had forgotten about the 5 hours. ...and Intent boosting. I don't seem to have the opportunities for the other bits of sage advice yet though. Much appreciated.
The timing is tight, but it's certainly not impossible for a solo player.
Here's some tips:
- Taming the dogs early is really useful, since otherwise they will bother you every turn (but I wouldn't waste too many turns trying to line it all up perfectly)
- Are you using your 5 Hours? You can exchange that for bonus movement, or five extra Turns. That can be a pretty huge help in the right circumstances
- Do you have any Progress cards that increase your movement? That can also really help here, since you'll need to move quickly to get around the maze
- Have you bought any influence cards that give you more hours or allow you to relocate? They can also really help
- Have you tried Boosting your Intent? You can only do it once per Turn, but getting 1-3 extra movement points out of it can be a lifesaver (...although getting an X can really suck...)