Just a quick question; when the purple eye tokens get turned into settled business, and then spent at various locations, do they then go back into the supply as the purple tokens again? I feel like there is no way to win the dream when multiple just keep appearing nearly every turn.
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You don't need to flip them arround, just put them in your storage when you settlet an important business, when you used them to pay anything you put them back into the supply. There are many ways to use them and if you claim all on the field resolve Goal, you don't have to claim all in the supply just all on the tiles.
One more important thing, if you play solo with one dreamer you spawn only one important business per basic effect step on your turn card and that gives you a maximum of 3 + basic effect symbols revealed in all turns played, and you decide where to place them, the mechanic only forces the entity to move to closest empty suit not to place the marker there. So you decide where to place the marker and maybe where it has to move to (depending on the turn card). cheers
Spoiler Shield on:
Lucky you, i hope all the time they will spawn more often ;)