I seem to be stuck with needing to catch 2 cockroaches to finish but there is only one on the map and apparently no way to spawn more. These questions can help me figure out where I've gone wrong...
Do Faceless Creeps count as Cockroaches for catching and scenario completion? (I assume 'yes')
Once the Faceless Creeps replace the Cockroaches, no more automatic spawning of either, right?
"Catch Them All" is placed in the Entity slot. Does this turn off all the abilities of the Entity sitting in that slot? (e.g. Faceless Creeps)
When the Faceless Creeps tile replaces the Cockroaches tile, do all existing Cockroaches turn into Creeps? (I assume yes since there seems to be no other way to spawn Creeps).
1. Do Faceless Creeps count as Cockroaches for catching and scenario completion?
> No, they replace them and count only as Faceless Creeps.
2. Once the Faceless Creeps replace the Cockroaches, no more automatic spawning of either, right?
> Yes, the Cockroaches tile is discarded, and all of its rules don't apply anymore.
3. "Catch Them All" is placed in the Entity slot. Does this turn off all the abilities of the Entity sitting in that slot? (e.g. Faceless Creeps)
> No, it's there in addition to the tile that's there already. It provides additional rules for the Cockroaches Entity tile.
4. When the Faceless Creeps tile replaces the Cockroaches tile, do all existing Cockroaches turn into Creeps? (I assume yes since there seems to be no other way to spawn Creeps).
> Yes, the Cockroaches turn into Faceless Creeps.
At the bottom of the Faceless Creeps tile, you will find a "New goal of this Dream." You can't catch Cockroaches anymore, and your only goal is to survive until Out of Turns.
Besides, remember to:
Spawn 1 additional Creature Shapeshifter in each SPAWN space.
(see script 656).