When checking the Wardrobe on tile B2, it says if we have Card B we can get rid of the cockroach.
The only way to get Card B is to use the Candle Remote Control, which you get through the wardrobe and then close off the wardrobe as an action.
So, why does it say this as an option if it is an impossibility.
Because Card B is active until the dream ends, we never start a retry with it before the wardrobe gets locked.
Yes, this is a bug. In s.994 ignore "Place a Block token on Check the wardrobe action on B2 tile"
I emailed AR and they said that the block token in s.944 should be ignored, making it accessible again after having card B.
My group is about to play this dream and I'd like Awaken Realms to chime in if they can on this issue before if it all !
Just ran into this issue myself, surprised it hasn't been addressed yet.
Interested to hear from AR on that. Indeed, seems impossible
I agree, seems impossible. no way to get B without first having got G which would block the action to be able to use B.
You can use the Candle Remote Control to turn the lights ON or OFF. So after turning the lights on to check the Wardrobe and obtain Card B, you can turn the lights off again (which re-reveals the alternate action) and then check the Wardrobe again.