In general, having multiple Entity minis/tokens around you doesn't stack the action, unless the action specifies that it will. From rules pg. 9, "Note: If an effect on an Entity tile says 'If Dreamer is in range X', it means within range X of any of that Entity's tokens/miniatures. Being in range of more than one token/miniature of that Entity has no further effect (unless the tile specifies that the effect scales with the number of Entities in range)."
In general, having multiple Entity minis/tokens around you doesn't stack the action, unless the action specifies that it will. From rules pg. 9, "Note: If an effect on an Entity tile says 'If Dreamer is in range X', it means within range X of any of that Entity's tokens/miniatures. Being in range of more than one token/miniature of that Entity has no further effect (unless the tile specifies that the effect scales with the number of Entities in range)."