Looking at the rules it says that each player does one dream action and then move to the next player, but that we can also play freely without worrying about player's order and rounds. I believe this is covered by "play freely without worrying about player's order and rounds", but one question that came up when playing the tutorial is if we can change the player order if that benefits us, for example... if it's my round and I'm ready to close a door, but I want the other player to be with me before I close it, could I give up my round so the other player moves and then I close the door?
> It is exactly as Gerardo writes. Rounds are only there to help keep the order of decisions and actions with multiple players (if you need to organize your gameplay more), but you can play without it, only with the division between Turns and Dreamer Phase / Dreamscape Phase.
Dreamers can skip their round whenever they want, so yep 😊